Creating Pages/Tabs on Blogger

Dear Joanne,
Thank you for visiting and appreciating my blog.
Here are the steps to create your blog's pages/tabs.
On your blogger account, open the specific blog (if you have more than one blog in one blogger account) where you want to create your pages.

Step 1: Click 'Layout'.  Upon doing so, you will see the Template Designer window.

Step 2: On the Template Designer window, click 'Add a Gadget' (the one below your blog's name). There will be a pop-up window that will show you the list of gadgets that you can add.

Step 3: Look for 'Pages' on the list of gadgets.  Click '+'.  The Configure Page List window will appear.

Note 1: Once you have added the 'Pages' gadget, your 'Home' tab will be shown on your blog.  It would contain all posts regardless of labels or categories you have assigned to each of the posts.  You may also opt not to shown it on your blog by deselecting it on the Configure Page List (Just uncheck the box beside it).  You may also rename it - just change 'Home' into 'Everything', 'ALL' or any title that pleases you. :)

Once your done and ready to create your other pages, proceed with Step 4.

Step 4: Click 'Add external link'.

You should see this:

Step 5: Give your page a title (anything you want).
For the purposes of this mini how-to, let's use eSMP and let's dedicate this page to all assignments, activities, answers to self-assessment questions and everything that eSMP-related. :)

Step 6: Provide the web address.  It should be in this format:

Your blog's URL/search/label/'label'

So again, for the purposes of this mini how-to, let's use my blog's URL and esmp as 'label'.  Thus, the resulting web address is

Note that it is not necessary for your label to be the same as your page title.

Step 7: Click 'Save Link'. After saving the link, you will be brought back to the Configure Page List window (screenshot on Note 1 and Step 4).  You should see your newly created page on that window.  If you have already created a lot of pages, the recently created page is at the bottom of the list.

Step 8: Click 'Save'.

Wooohooo! You're almost done!

Step 9: Click ' Save arrangement' to save all the hard work. :)

Now, visit your blog.
You should see the newly added page.

Note 2: The eSMP page is already available on your blog.  Just click on it to view its contents.


We will discuss how to add posts on this page but before that, please allow me to discuss Note 3 first.

Note 3: Notice that Home is the active tab/page on your blog. Since it contains every single post that you have, it will remain as your 'intro' page as long as you have opted to show it on your blog.

To opt not to show it, just deselect (uncheck the box next to it) on the Configure Page List window (refer to screenshot of Note 1).  Please make sure that when you opt not to show the Home tab, all your posts are properly categorized into at least one of your pages.

And without further ado, let’s discuss how to add posts to your pages.  In this case, we will add posts to our eSMP page.

On your posts list, select and open the post you wish to add to the page.  Click on ‘Labels’ to show the labels textbox.  Enter your ‘label’.  In our case we have to enter esmp (note that we have used esmp as ‘label’ when we created the web address of the eSMP page so we also have to use it as ‘label’ to all posts we want to include in the eSMP page).  Repeat as necessary.

Visit your blog and see the result!

Now, there are two (2) kinds/types of page in blogger.  First, the one that uses external link which we have discussed above and second, the page/tab that contains only one (1) post – see ABOUT ME of my blog.

Since you already know how to create pages/tabs using external links, it’s high time to learn how to create the page/tab similar to my ABOUT ME tab.

Step 1:  On your blogger account, open the blog where you want to create the page.  Click ‘Pages’ somewhere above ‘Layout’

 Step 2: Click ‘New page’

Step 3: A window similar to creating a simple post will be opened.  Write down the contents of this page (whatever you want), change the page title (to whatever you want). Save and Publish.

Don't forget to visit your blog to see the updates.
That's it!
I hope you learned something from this.

Again, thank you for visiting and happy blogging!


Business Communications: Communication Channels - SAQ 3-2

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ) 3-2

1. Which of the four directions of formal communication within the organization do you participate in most often? Identify examples of each type of formal communication flow in your organization.

Being the section head of the SPC group, I think I participate in the four directions of formal communication in equal amount.

Examples of each type of formal communication in our organization

Downward – business updates are sent regularly via email by the company’s President/CEO

Upward – the company has a program called ‘Employee Suggestion Program’.  It is a venue for employees to voice their opinions on cost reduction, space maximization and the likes.

Horizontal – as a group, the SPC section would normally meet to discuss goals and objectives for the coming fiscal year, project updates, brainstorm on how we could improve the services we provide to our customers and discuss problems that we have encountered and how to solve them.

Cross-channel – after each statistics training that we conduct, we ask each trainee to submit a project for us to check if they really understood the topics discussed

2. What barriers or challenges have you observed or experienced in formal communication networks? How can these challenges be addressed?

Challenge: it is very difficult to collect training assignments/projects from the participants.  Either (1) they have forgotten about the project that they need to submit to complete the training they had recently attended or (2) there are a lot of tasks assigned to them that they can no longer do the project

How we addressed the challenge:
1.    certificates are given only to those who have completed the training (all certificates are Certificate of Completion).  We do not give Certificate of Attendance anymore.
2.    we created a master list of our training participants and tagged each one of them as ‘complete’ or ‘incomplete’ whichever is applicable.  Participants with ‘incomplete’ are not accepted to any other training offered by our group.
3.    to solicit help from the participants’ superior, we do not allow them to enlist their other subordinates unless the previous ones had submitted and completed the requirements of the training. 

Business Communications: Communication Channels - Activity 3-1

1.    Consider the following verbal and non-verbal barriers to communication. Which
barriers are associated with which components of the communication discussed
above? Write your answers in the table below:

Components of
Barriers to communication that may be associated with
each component

Non-verbal Barrier/s
c) Inappropriate emotions
It is generally more effective to depend on logic instead of emotions when
communicating. For example, being overly enthusiastic about what you are
saying can alienate some audiences. Or allowing your emotions to run away with
you (e.g. not reining in your sadness or anger) can embarrass both you and your
audience, or worse, result in a communication breakdown (e.g. excessive anger
can create such an emotionally charged environment that reasonable discussion
is not possible).
d) Distractions
Any environmental or competing element that restricts one’s ability to concentrate
on the communication task hinders effective communication. Such distractions
are called noise. Note that ‘noise’ in communication is not always something
auditory (i.e. heard with the ear); it can be anything distracting such as the room
layout or the way people are dressed or what they are doing (e.g. using their
smartphones while someone is making a presentation).

Verbal Barrier/s
a) Inadequate knowledge or vocabulary
Before you can even begin to think about how you will communicate an idea, you
must have sufficient knowledge about the topic to know what you want to say.
b) Differences in interpretation
Sometimes senders and receivers attribute different meanings to the same word
or attribute the same meaning to different words. When this happens,
miscommunication can occur.
Non-verbal Barrier/s
b) Differences in perception
This may be influenced by people’s differences in orientation, exposure or
experience, knowledge, values, and the like.

Verbal Barrier/s
e) Over abstraction and ambiguity
An abstract word refers to an idea or feeling instead of to a concrete object or
something that can be seen or touched. For example, ‘communication’ is an
abstract word, whereas ‘memorandum’ is a concrete word. Abstract words are
necessary in order to communicate about things you cannot see or touch.
However, communication problems result when you use too many abstract words
or when you use too high a level of abstraction. The higher the level of
abstraction, the more difficult it is for the receiver to visualize exactly what the
sender has in mind.

Verbal Barrier/s
c) Language differences
This includes the nuances of the same language. For instance, the English
language may have different pronunciation, terms, expressions depending on
whose English (e.g. American English, Australian English, British English, Filipino
English, Singaporean English) is used.
d) Inappropriate use of expressions
Examples include slang, jargon, and euphemisms. Slang is a highly informal
expression, often short-lived, that is identified with a specific group of people.
Jargon is the technical terminology used within specialized groups. Euphemisms
are expressions used in place of words that may offend.
Non-verbal Barrier/s
a) Inappropriate or conflicting signals
When we say one thing — for example, that we are pleased to meet someone —
but our actions, posture, or expression suggests a contradictory message, others
will usually believe what we do rather than what we say.

Verbal Barrier/s
f) Polarization
At times, some people act as though every situation is divided into two opposite
and distinct poles, with no allowance for a middle ground. What you say and do
not say might create or lead to polarization. For example, when you congratulate
only one of the three people who took part in making a company presentation,
how would the other two presenters feel, even though you said nothing negative
about their performance?

2. Recall situations when you experiences any or some of these verbal and non-verbal
barriers to communication. As a communicator, what can you do to minimize these
barriers to communication?

I would normally experience ‘Distractions’ during trainings.  As the trainer (communicator) I get easily distracted with my trainees borrowing calculators from one another reasoning out that they failed to bring one (despite the fact that the training is Basis Statistics and the course outline includes descriptive statistics computation).  To avoid or minimize such incidents, I will include the phrase ‘BRING A CALCULATOR’ in every email that I will send to the participants and every memo that I will post in the bulletin boards.

You might also want to see my answers on:

Business Communications: Communication Channels - SAQ 3-1

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ) 3-1

Recall a communication situation in which you were involved. Identify the five components of communication (stimulus, filter, message, medium, destination) in that communication situation.

In 2006, the Total Quality Management section of the company where I work for had opted for customized SPC software instead of buying the canned applications available in the market.  As the Statistician, I was tasked to discuss the requirements and test results with the developers.

Stimulus – the need to discuss with the developers the detailed SPC software requirements of the company
Filter –having seen and used a few other statistics software and having had the opportunity to see the actual production line where the customized application will be used, I had the ability to tell, upon testing, whether the customized application is already good for deployment
Message – the software requirements and the results of the tests conducted
Medium – oral (formal meetings and telephone discussions) and written communication (emails, test reports, manuals)
Destination – the software requirements and test results will be given to the developers

Of the five components of communication, which do you think would be the most challenging for you as a communicator (i.e. as the one sending the message) to control or regulate? Why? Is it possible to compensate for your lack of control over this component by attending to the other components within your control? Explain.

For me, the most challenging component is the Filter.  My idea of SPC software was very far from the idea of the developers.  Theirs was an application that would collect and analyze the production data. Mine was an application that would collect and analyze the production data real-time and the fastest way possible because each delay in the results is equivalent to some degree of output loss.
To compensate for this, I brought the developers in the production line.  I allowed them to see the actual line processing and how the application should contribute in the operators’ efficiency.

Do you agree that feedback is not necessary for communication to take place? When is it not necessary to get feedback in a communication situation?

I think feedback is not necessary for communication to take place but for an effective communication, there has to be a feedback.  Feedback will tell the communicator that the message he/she sent was received by the destination the way he/she intended and expected it to be received.
Feedback is not necessary for commercials, billboard ads and fliers.  Though it is not necessary, I think that it is highly appreciated (when there is any) and is measured by the increase in the sales.

You might also want to see my answers on:
Business Communications: Communication Channels - Activity 3-1
Business Communications: Communication Channels SAQ 3-2